Weltbild.de In The Iny Lorentz Fever: Brand New Novel

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Exclusive interview of author duos to the new novel of the middle ages as a couple, like the caravan on travel, they belong to the most successful bestsellers authors who currently has to offer Germany. Lerer, another great source of information. Under the stage name Iny Lorentz, the couple Iny and Elmar published historical success book on the running belt. And found a ready market. Now appeared, eagerly expected by fans to her new book the rose of Asturias”. With 800 pages of the longest novel of author duos Iny Lorentz. “An exclusive interview with the couple as well as find all books and audiobooks fans on iny lorentz with great novels delve into other times: six years ago, her debut novel appeared the as”. Clearing House or emailing the administrator. It followed rapidly the gold dealer”, and the whore”, the Iny Lorentz makes shot to fame. Bitencourt. In Germany alone, the bestseller sold approximately four million times.

The filming for a TV adaptation begin in the autumn. A strong heroine also plays in the rose of Asturias”the leading role in the medieval Asturias, a province in northwestern Spain. The girl Maite is captured by count Roderich, a rival of her father. Although Maite flee, but their hatred of the count and his family never goes out. When she learns that the daughter of this count should marry the half-brother of the King of the Franks, she devises an ingenious plan. Initially succeed her revenge, but plan doesn’t add up Maites.

Because she has not reckoned with love. Iny Lorentz, Ken Follett, Rebecca Gable, Ildefonso Falcones, or Sabine Ebert: Even more fascinating historical reading fans on will find books Weltbild.de sells more than 3 million products: books, DVDs, CDs, software & games, E-books, downloads and gift items. The Internet media dealer is the number two online bookstore and belongs to the five largest online shops in Germany. All orders with a book or audiobook are postpaid. Contact: Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH, Augsburg Rosemarie Heringer Tel: 0821 / 7004-7778 E-Mail:

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