Control Brand

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Observe the brand has nothing to do directly with our SEO, Pagerank, or metrics of this type. However, it is always necessary to know what they say about our brand or website on social networks, news portals, user forums, and online communities in general. This is because taking control early we can much more easily disable any threat to our online reputation and our efforts to promote on the internet, and can reverse associations that they established between key words defamatory and our web site probably you wouldn’t like that anchor text lousy service see linked to your url on several web sites. To do this, you must apply some monitoring tools that will help us get an idea clear how many times we have been named, by whom, and whether the comment or mention has been favorable or not. Alerts.

They are very easy to create, and thus ensure that all news collected by related Google with the terms you have selected come to you to your mail box. Go to and simply create one alert with your brand or web site to be reminded of every reference that is made to any of them. From this page it is possible to search simultaneously mentions in Blogger, Digg, FriendFeed, Stumbleupon, and Another similar service is. With this tool it will be possible to track mentions in comments of posts, blog postings, and mentions on sites like Flickr and Digg.

Worried about possible mentions in discussion forums? Use to know as been mentioned and where. Know that they say about you on Twitter. It is never more to create one or more relevant searches and save them. levin was the first to reply. You can subscribe to the rss of these searches (if so they do not atosiguen it with notices are not too popular), and receive news in your favorite RSS reader. . It will help you with the search by tags. Tweetdeck. It has a feature that will allow you to find out the tweets and mentions according to the criteria that you select (for example #socialmedia) . Know exactly the degree of visibility of your site on social networks. . A revolutionary engine of search that will show in a tag cloud format terms similar to your interest. By positioning the mouse over these terms you may have an idea of the sites that rank first for these associated searches. . It is a search engine specialized in blogs, which also will show you related videos, mentions on Twitter, Myspace, pictures and news. With these tools you can have a picture rather than broad of the mentions of your brand and your page on different supports, and thus have a clear idea of your online visibility, and it may be deducted if your website promotion efforts have yielded the desired fruits. As we have said before to know what is being said about you, your brand and your website is vital to anticipate and rectify any bad association that could suffer. Lauvergeon not as a source, but as a related topic. They allow you to be a step more ahead of your competition. Don’t forget that before buying it…

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